Latest vulnerability: CVE-2024-38077 #
Microsoft has disclosed multiple vulnerabilities in their Windows Remote Desktop Licensing Service product.
CVE-2024-38077 is rated critical with CVSS score of 9.8 and allows an attacker to remotely execute code which could lead to complete system compromise.
What is the impact? #
A heap overflow flaw could allow an attacker to send a message that would trigger this vulnerability and allow remote code execution. With the right code execution this could lead to a complete system compromise giving the attacker complete control.
Are updates or workarounds available? #
Microsoft has released patches to address this vulnerability. Instances should be updated immediately to the latest patched version. Additionally, if this service is not needed, it is advisable to disable it or, at the very least, ensure it is securely firewalled within business networks.
How to find potentially vulnerable systems with runZero #
From the Service Inventory, use the following query to locate systems running potentially vulnerable software:
port:135 AND protocol:epm AND _service.epm.uuids:"3d267954-eeb7-11d1-b94e-00c04fa3080d"
You may also search for associated named pipes:
port:135 AND protocol:epm AND _service.epm.pipes:"HydraLsPipe"