After announcing v1.1.5 with the new Switch Topology report, quite a few folks wrote in to ask if this feature was available in SNMPv3 environments. As of this evening, the answer is yes. To leverage SNMP v3 credentials in a Rumble scan, set the following options in the Advanced Options section of the Scan Configuration screen.
Depending on your environment, these settings may require some tweaking. The standard security levels of NoAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, and AuthPriv map to these options as follows:
NoAuthNoPriv #
- snmp-v3-username set to a valid user
- snmp-v3-auth-protocol set to "none"
- snmp-v3-privacy-protocol set to "none"
AuthNoPriv #
- snmp-v3-username set to a valid user
- snmp-v3-auth-protocol set to "md5" or "sha"
- snmp-v3-passphrase set to the valid password for the user
- snmp-v3-privacy-protocol set to "none"
AuthPriv #
- snmp-v3-username set to a valid user
- snmp-v3-auth-protocol set to "md5" or "sha"
- snmp-v3-passphrase set to the valid password for the user
- snmp-v3-privacy-protocol set to "des" or "aes"
- snmp-v3-privacy-passphrase set to the valid key (often hexadecimal)
The runZero Scanner also supports SNMPv3 authentication using similar command-line options:
--snmp-v3-auth-passphrase string The authentication passphrase
--snmp-v3-auth-protocol string The authentication protocol (none, md5, sha) (default "none")
--snmp-v3-privacy-passphrase string The privacy passphrase
--snmp-v3-privacy-protocol string The privacy protocol (none, des, aes) (default "none")
--snmp-v3-username string The username to use for SNMP v3 authentication
These options require version 1.1.7 or newer of the Rumble Agent or runZero Scanner.
This release also includes a number of small bug fixes for the SNMP probe and better support for CAM/MAC table enumeration of Cisco equipment.
Happy Scanning!