Rumble Network Discovery in Beta


We are ridiculously excited to announce the beta program for Rumble Network Discovery, a platform designed to make network asset discovery quick and painless. Rumble is cloud-based, but also includes a command-line scanner that runs on Windows, macOS, and multiple architectures of Linux, including servers, Raspberry Pis and almost everything in between. If you are responsible for managing or assessing networks, we hope that you will give it a try.

Update: The beta program has now ended #

The beta program ran from March 11th to September 27th of 2019. If you are interested in trying runZero you can register for a free trial.

Rumble Network Discovery Beta 1

PS. Our EU visitors may notice that the platform is currently not available in the European Union and European Economic Area. This is something we are actively working on and we hope to include EU users soon.

Written by HD Moore

HD Moore is the founder and CEO of runZero. Previously, he founded the Metasploit Project and served as the main developer of the Metasploit Framework, which is the world's most widely used penetration testing framework.

More about HD Moore
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