Latest Next.js vulnerabilities #

On March 22nd, 2025, Next.js disclosed an authentication bypass vulnerability in the middleware layer. Exploitation is trivial and can be achieved by sending an extra HTTP header. For specifics, please see the research paper.

What is the impact? #

Successful exploitation of this vulnerability would allow a remote attacker to bypass security checks implemented in the middleware layer, including many forms of authentication.

Are updates or workarounds available? #

Next.js recommends that customers upgrade to 15.2.3 or 14.2.25. For users that cannot upgrade they recommend filtering the `x-middleware-subrequest` header from requests before they reach the application (case insensitive).

How to find Next.js installations with runZero #

From the Service Inventory, use the following query to locate assets running any version of Next.js

_asset.protocol:http AND protocol:http AND (has:http.head.xPoweredBy AND http.head.xPoweredBy:="Next.js")

A slower, but more comprehensive Service Inventory query:

_asset.protocol:http AND protocol:http AND (
http.head.xPoweredBy:="Next.js" OR
http.head.vary:"Next-Router" OR
has:http.head.xNextjsCache OR

Written by HD Moore

HD Moore is the founder and CEO of runZero. Previously, he founded the Metasploit Project and served as the main developer of the Metasploit Framework, which is the world's most widely used penetration testing framework.

More about HD Moore
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