Latest AVTECH vulnerability: CVE-2024-7029 #
Akamai disclosed a 0-day vulnerability in the AVTECH AVM1203 network camera.
CVE-2024-7029 is rated high with CVSS score of 8.7 and allows an attacker to unauthorized remote code execution through the camera's brightness control messages.
This is known to be currently exploited in the wild to spread a variant of the Miria botnet on target systems.
What is the impact? #
Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities result in devices allowing attackers to perform remote code execution (RCE) by command injection utilizing the camera's remote brightness control messages.
Devices that are running firmware up to and including version FullImg-1023-1007-1011-1009 are affected.
Are updates or workarounds available? #
The AVTECH AVM1203 cameras are end-of-life (EOL) and no patch is currently available.
We recommend that users should ensure these devices are isolated in their own networks to prevent unwanted traffic.
How to find potentially vulnerable systems with runZero #
From the Asset Inventory, use the following query to locate systems running potentially vulnerable software: